This year is the 23rd annual meeting of the Hill's Angels and the Hoya Lawyas, and every year the game continues to be the Legal Clinic's largest source of funds each year. The Game is Wednesday, 24 March at 7:30pm, see the Home Court website for details.
Here are photos from last years game where I had a lot of liberty to roam the court and try a few different things.

For this I was carrying a small portable light stand around to try and put some excitement in it. Turns a simple stretch into something a little more edgy.

Here you can see some of my light set-up for the action...although here I was dragging the shutter a bit to show motion it shows how I clamped a light to one of the half court backboards, David Hobby style. Unfortunately, I was a little timid on my power settings (I didn't want to hang battery backs above heads). Fortunately, I've sold all of my Pocket wizards and am now using radiopopper JRx's so I can change the power setting from my camera! I love these things! Also note: high school gyms are not lit as well as college gyms.
There were two lights on either side of the court (on one half of the court) pointing towards the key of one hoop. I added my own on camera fill, and clearly the ambient was doing most of the work.

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